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- copied from packet:
- Msg# TSF Size #Rd Date Time From MsgID To
- 1884 BH 4001 1 24-Dec 1410 W9ZGS 22870_WB9NET RAMSEY@ALLBBS (NONE)
- Sb: Ramsey FX146/FX220 diode program
- For you owners of the new Ramsey FX146 or FX220 transceivers, here is a
- Basic program that will print out a series of frequencies versus diode
- placement positions. It is a modification of the Basic program provided by
- Ramsey in the instruction book. To use this Basic program just load
- it into your favorite text (ASCII) editor, edit out this junk, save it
- as an ASCII file under the name "FXDIODES.BAS" and then load it into
- BASICA in your MSDOS machine. Verne/W9ZGS
- 2 PRINT"Programming diode placement for the Ramsey FX146 and FX220 transceivers.
- 3 PRINT"This program requires that frequencies be entered in KHz with 6 digits &
- 4 PRINT"NO decimal points. A frequency of 145.050MHz would be entered as 145050
- 5 PRINT"Output is to printer.":PRINT
- 6 INPUT"Enter lowest receiver frequency";LF:LF=LF/5
- 7 INPUT"Enter highest receiver frequency";HF:HF=HF/5
- 8 INPUT"Enter spacing in KHz";SP:PRINT
- 9 LPRINT" For the Ramsey FX146 or FX220 Transceivers. By W9ZGS.":LPRINT
- 10 LPRINT" Place diodes where a 1 is shown.":LPRINT
- 11 LPRINT" FREQ 32768 16384 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2
- 1
- 12 LPRINT" ------ ----- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- --- --- -- -- -- -- -- --
- --
- 14 AA=0:BB=0:CC=0:DD=0:EE=0:FF=0:GG=0:HH=0
- 15 II=0:JJ=0:KK=0:LL=0:MM=0:NN=0:OO=0:PP=0
- 16 IF N=>32768! THEN AA=1
- 17 IF N>32768! THEN NA=N-32768!
- 18 IF N<32768! THEN NA=N
- 19 IF NA=>16384 THEN BB=1
- 20 IF NA<16384 THEN NB=NA
- 21 IF NA>16384 THEN NB=NA-16384
- 22 IF NB=>8192 THEN CC=1
- 23 IF NB<8192 THEN NC=NB
- 24 IF NB>8192 THEN NC=NB-8192
- 25 IF NC=>4096 THEN DD=1
- 26 IF NC>4096 THEN ND=NC-4096
- 27 IF NC<4096 THEN ND=NC
- 28 IF ND=>2048 THEN EE=1
- 29 IF ND>2048 THEN NE=ND-2048
- 30 IF ND<2048 THEN NE=ND
- 31 IF NE=>1024 THEN FF=1
- 32 IF NE>1024 THEN NF=NE-1024
- 33 IF NE<1024 THEN NF=NE
- 34 IF NF=>512 THEN GG=1
- 35 IF NF>512 THEN NG=NF-512
- 36 IF NF<512 THEN NG=NF
- 37 IF NG=>256 THEN HH=1
- 38 IF NG>256 THEN NH=NG-256
- 39 IF NG<256 THEN NH=NG
- 40 IF NH=>128 THEN II=1
- 41 IF NH>128 THEN NI=NH-128
- 42 IF NH<128 THEN NI=NH
- 43 IF NI=>64 THEN JJ=1
- 44 IF NI>64 THEN NJ=NI-64
- 45 IF NI<64 THEN NJ=NI
- 46 IF NJ=>32 THEN KK=1
- 47 IF NJ>32 THEN NK=NJ-32
- 48 IF NJ<32 THEN NK=NJ
- 49 IF NK=>16 THEN LL=1
- 50 IF NK>16 THEN NL=NK-16
- 51 IF NK<16 THEN NL=NK
- 52 IF NL=>8 THEN MM=1
- 53 IF NL>8 THEN NM=NL-8
- 55 IF NM=>4 THEN NN=1
- 56 IF NM>4 THEN NX=NM-4
- 58 IF NX>2 THEN OO=1
- 59 IF NX=2 THEN OO=1
- 60 IF NX=3 THEN PP=1
- 61 IF NX=1 THEN PP=1
- 62 LPRINT N * 5;
- 63 LPRINT " ";AA;" "; BB;" "; CC;" "; DD;" "; EE;" "; FF;" "; GG;" "; HH
- ;
- 64 LPRINT " ";II;" "; JJ; KK; LL; MM; NN; OO; PP:NEXT:END
- ----------------------------
- Note: I haven't tried or verified this, proceed at your own risk. Verify
- that you're in the band before you transmit. WA2ISE
- that you're in the band before you transmit. WA2ISE